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Department of Comparative Language Science Distributional Linguistics Lab

Phonological Evolution

Diachronic and ontogenetic dynamics of segments and features


What are the constraints that shape the diachronic dynamics of sound units and distinctive features?

  • Contact: Chundra Cathcart

  • Team: Taras Zakharko, Chundra Cathcart, Balthasar Bickel

  • Local Partners: Sabine Stoll, Volker Dellwo, Paul Widmer


Selected publications:

Blasi, D. E., S. Moran, S. R. Moisik, P. Widmer, D. Dediu & B. Bickel. 2019. Human sound systems are shaped by post-Neolithic changes in bite configuration. Science 363 (6432): eaav3218. 10.1126/science.aav3218

Collier, K., B. Bickel, C. P. van Schaik, M. B. Manser & S. W. Townsend. 2014. Language evolution: syntax before phonology? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1788): 20140263.