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Bavelier, D, K. Zuberbühler, S. W. Townsend, E. Wyss & B. Bickel. 2023. NCCR Evolving Language Report Year 1-3. NCCR |
Blasi, D.E., S. Moran, S.R. Moisik, P. Widmer, D. Dediu, & B. Bickel. 2020. Languages, evolution and statistics: human sound systems were shaped by changes in bite configuration. Response to Tarasov & Uyeda (2020), BioRxiv |
Blasi, D.E., S. Moran, S.R. Moisik, P. Widmer, D. Dediu, & B. Bickel. 2020. Response to Berthommier and Boë. OSF |
Widmer, P & B. Bickel. 2020. Response to Science eLetter Some remarks on the analysis of labiodentals in Indo-European by A. Piperski. OSF |
Bickel, B., 2012. Final report on the project "Distributional Typology: investigating the theoretical and methodological foundations of a probablistic approach to linguistic typology". University of Leipzig and University of Zürich. PDF |
Bickel, B., T.A. Hall, K. Hildebrandt, R. Schiering, 2009. Final report on the project "Theory and Typology of the word". University of Leipzig. PDF |
Bickel, B., 2008. A general method for the statistical evaluation of typological distributions. Ms. University of Leipzig. PDF |
Bickel, B. & A. Witzlack-Makarevich. 2008. Referential scales and case alignment: reviewing the typological evidence. In Malchukov, A. & M. Richards (eds.) Scales (= Linguistische ArbeitsBerichte 86), 1–37. Leipzig: Institut für Linguistik. PDF |
Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I., K. K. Choudhary, A. Witzlack-Makarevich, & B. Bickel. 2008. Bridging the gap between processing preferences and typological distributions: initial evidence from the online comprehension of control constructions in Hindi. In Malchukov, A. & M. Richards (eds.) Scales (= Linguistische ArbeitsBerichte 86), 397–436. Leipzig: Institut für Linguistik. PDF |
Gaenszle, M., B. Bickel, G. Banjade, E. Lieven, N. Paudyal, A. Rai, I. P. Rai, M. Rai, N. K. Rai, V. S. Rai, N. P. Gautam (Sharma), & S. Stoll. 2005. Research report: the Chintang and Puma Documentation Project (CPDP). European Bulletin of Himalayan Research 28, 95–103.PDF |
Bickel, B. 2001. What is typology? Ms. Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. PDF |
Bickel, B. & J. Nichols 2001. Inflectional morphology. Expanded version of chapter published in Shopen, T. (2007) Language typology and syntactic description, vol. 3, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 169–240. PDF |
Bickel, B. 1999. Principles of event framing: genetic stability in grammar and discourse. Ms., University of California, Berkeley. PDF |
Bickel, B. 1999. Grammatical relations, agreement, and genetic stability. Ms., University of California, Berkeley. PDF |
Bickel, B. 1998. Rhythm and feet in Belhare morphology. Working Paper No. 287, Rutgers Optimality Archive |
Bickel, B. 1994. Mapping operations in spatial deixis and the typology of reference frames. Working Paper No. 31, Max-Planck-Research Group in Cognitive Anthropology. PDF |
Bickel, B. 1992. The marking of future time reference in Züritüütsch. In Dahl, Ö., C. de Groot, & H. Tommola (eds.) Future time reference in European languages (= Eurotyp Working Paper Series VI – Tense and Aspect 2), 73–84. Stockholm: Dept. of Linguistics, University of Stockholm. PDF |