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Department of Comparative Language Science

ISLE Colloquium

Fall 24

Day: Tuesdays
Time: 16:15–18:00
Room: AFL-E-015


Speaker(s) Title
17.09.24 Simon Greenhill, University of Auckland Functionally tracing linguistic diversity, disparity, and loss
24.09.24 Matías Guzmán Naranjo, Universität Freiburg Why modeling space is hard: unidirectional contact, expansion events and other stuff
01.10.24 Introduktion of new NCCR PhDs / Postdocs  
08.10.24 tba tba
15.10.24 Introduktion of new NCCR PhDs / Postdocs


22.10.24 tba tba
29.10.24 Presentations for Master's Students tba
05.11.24 Paul Verdu tba
12.11.24 No Colloquium - NCCR: Phase 2 public presentation 17:00 - 20:00  
19.11.24 Redouan Bshary, Université de Neuchâtel The cognition underlying partner choice decisions in marine cleaning mutualism
26.11.24 Paola Cerrito, Universität Zürich From lexical selection to articulation across the lifespan
03.12.24 Attila Andics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest The neural bases of speech perception in dogs
10.12.24 Sebastian Sauppe, Universität Zürich tba
17.12.2024 No Colloquium - IVS Day  

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