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Department of Comparative Language Science

Our Study Programs


Is the Department of Comparative Language Science the right place for your study interests?

The department puts great emphasis on theory and on qualitative as well as quantitative methods in the scientific study of language. These foci require not only a profound interest in language per se, but also strong committment to acquire analytical and statistical knowledge, and computational and technical skills.

Welcome Days

First-year students in the Bachelor's degree program on September 12th:


Time Program
08:15 - 08:45

Welcome of the co-Deans of Study and information for all students and study programs of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Main Hall, KOL-G-201 (Live)
KOL-F-101 (Broadcast)
KOH-B-10 (Broadcast)
KO2-F-180 (Broadcast)
KOL-F-118 (Broadcast)

09:15 - 10:15 Information for students in the minor program Comparative Linguistics - room KO2-F-175
10:45 - 11:45 Information for students in the major program Comparative Linguistics - room KO2-F-175

First year students in the Master degree program: Please get in touch with the study advisor for individualized information on the start of your studies.

Contact: E-Mail Lena Zipp, study advisor


Weiterführende Informationen

Study advisor


All students at the Department of Comparative Language Science are also members of the FLing student association.

Mailing List for students

All students are encouraged to subscribe to the newsletter of the Fachverein FLing to receive updates about their study program and events at the department: subscribe