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Department of Comparative Language Science

Martin Meyer

University of Zurich
Department of Comparative Language Science
Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language
Affolternstrasse 56
CH-8050 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 634 02 36
martin.meyer AT

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Fields of research

  • Evolution of Language and Communication
  • Functional Neuroanatomy of Speech and Hearing
  • Auditory Neurocognition of the Aging Brain
  • Neuroplasticity and Neuromodulation of Tinnitus
  • Central Hearing Disorders and Speech Processing

Academic Career

1996 Diploma in Psychology, Free University of Berlin
2000 PhD (Dr. rer. nat), Max-Planck-Institut for Cognitive Neurosciences, Leipzig; Faculty of Biosciences, Pharmacy and Psychology, University of Leipzig (DE)
2009 Habilitation (venia legendi), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zurich (CH)
2013 Honorary Professor for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Klagenfurt (A)
2021 Associate Professor for Evolutionary Neuroscience of Language, University of Zurich (CH)


UBS Habilitation Award 2009, University of Zurich

CS Best Teaching Award 2012, University of Zurich

Selection of Academic and Public Responsibilities


 Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI), University of Zurich - Steering Board

Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution (ISLE), University of Zurich - Steering Committee

Zurich Center for Linguistics (LIZZ), University of Zurich - Member

International Max Planck Research School "The Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Dynamics (LIFE)" - Faculty Member

Pro Audito - Member of Central Executive Board

Neuroscience Center Zurich - Group Leader

Fortuna Düsseldorf - Member


Review and Evaluation

Peer-reviewed Journals

Acta Neuropsychiatrica; Aging Neuropsychol Cog; Ann Neurol; Behav Brain Funct; Biol Psychol; BMC Neurosci, Brain Behav, Brain Lang; Brain; Brain Connect; Brain Imaging Behav; Brain Research; Brain Res Bull; Brain Res Meth; Brain Sci; Brain Topo; Brain Struct Funct; Cereb Cort; Child Adol Psychiatry Ment Health; Cog Affect Behav Neurosci; Cog Brain Res; Cortex; Eur J Neurosci; Front Aud Cog Neurosci; Front Neurol; Front Lang Sci; Hear Res; Heliyon; Hum Brain Mapp; Imag Neurosci; Int J Psychophysiol; J Cog Neurosci; J Integrative Neurosci; J Neurol; J Neurol Sci; Lang Sci; Laterality; Music Sci; Music Percept; NeuroImage; Neuropsychologia; Neuroradiol; Neurosci; Neurosci Biobehav Rev; Neurosci Lett; PLOS One; PLOS Biology, Rest Neurol Neurosci; Science; J Neurosci; Trans Biomedic Eng; Trends Cog Sci; Z Neuropsychol

Academic Research Councils

The Wellcome Trust, UK; National Science Foundation (NSF), USA; Swiss National Foundation, CH; CNRS, F; ANR, F/D; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, D; European Research Council (ERC); Israel Science Foundation; National Natural Science Foundation of China