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Department of Comparative Language Science


News list

  • Sebastian Sauppe published a paper on the timing of turn-taking in dialogue

  • SLE accepts all 5 workshops proposed by IVS departent members

  • Damián Blasi gives invited talk at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt, Germany

  • Bickel, Moran and Blasi give talks at workshop on genetics and animal vocal communication / human language

  • Damian Blasi held an invited talk at TedLab at MIT

  • Damian Blasi held a Plenary talk at the Colloquium "The Grammar of Body Parts" at the PUCP in Lima, Perú

  • Damian Blasi held a course on Phylogenetic Methods at the PUCP in Lima, Perú

  • New edited volume on switch reference by Rik van Gijn and Jeremy Hammond

  • Paper by Damian Blasi et al is reported on in Nature

  • New department member: Yingqi Jing

  • Camilla Bernardasci and Stephan Schmid publish two new research articles in Studi AISV.

  • New publication by the Greater Burma Zone team:

  • Phoneticians in Munich

  • On 27 October 2016, Camilla Bernardasci presents the new publication of the Phonogram Archives: "Stòri, stralüsc e stremizzi. Registrazioni dialettali nella Svizzera italiana“

  • 4 new SNSF grants (100% success rate!) at IVS

  • Three new department members: Katarzyna Janic, Tim Aufderheide, and Urban Zihlmann

  • Balthasar Bickel and Taras Zakharko present new design principle for typological databases at PLM 2016

  • Damián Blasi and colleagues published a paper in PNAS: "Sound–meaning association biases evidenced across thousands of languages".

  • Florian Sommer and Paul Widmer to give presentations at the conference “Back to the Root - The Structure, Function, and Semantics of the PIE Root” (15. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft) in Vienna.

  • Balthasar Bickel to give invited talk at Europen Summer School Workshop on Optional and Differential Case Marking

  • Lithuanian-Swiss cooperation programme workshop in Zurich

  • New encyclopedia entry on linguistic areas by Rik van Gijn and Pieter Muysken

  • Patrick McCormick held a talk on September 5th 2016 at the University of Chiang Mai

    Title: Linguistic Evidence for Ethnic Origins: In Search of the “Unfindable”

  • Mathias Jenny and Paul Widmer to present papers at ICAAL workshop "Austroasiatic Syntax in Areal and Diachronic Perspective" in Chiang Mai.

  • IVS members teaching at Porquerolles

    Balthasar Bickel and Sabine Stoll are teaching the courses "Cause and effects in the evolution of grammar" and "Language acquisition in a typological perspective" at the European Summer School in Linguistic Typology at Porquerolles, September 4 - 17, 2016.

  • Stoll and Bickel contribute to a paper on intentionality in animal communication

  • Dieter Studer-Joho and Adrian Leeman dialect experts on sf1 Einstein (25.08.16)

  • Big show of the department at SLE 2016

  • New paper on the role of prosody and word length in Middle Breton versification by Paul Widmer

  • Steve Moran gives talk "Quantitative Analysis of Dogon" at the Mini African Symposium at MPI for the Science of Human History in Jena, Germany.

  • Just out! The brand new Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages

  • Damián Blasi co-authored a paper on a large cultural, linguistic and ecological database D-Place

  • Romance linguists in Rome: Camilla Bernardasci, Stefano Negrinelli, Diego Pescarini, Serena Romagnoli and Stephan Schmid to present at

  • Damián Blasi co-authored a paper on a large cultural, linguistic and ecological database D-Place

    For more information:

  • Mathias Jenny is teaching a course on "Introduction to linguistics and linguistic fieldwork for anthropologists" at the Mandalay University, Myanmar, August 1-12, 2016.

  • Mathias Jenny and Paul Sidwell, in cooperation with the Myanmar Center, Chiang Mai University, are organizing a workshop on "Austroasiatic syntax in areal and diachronic perspective" at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, September 5-7, 2016.

  • Balthasar Bickel elected President of the Linguistic Society of Switzerland and member of the Academia Europaea

  • Several members of the IVS are giving talks at the 9th Days of Swiss Linguistics in Geneva on June 29 to July 1, 2016

  • André Müller to give a talk titled "Mehrsprachigkeit bei den Kachin: wer spricht eigentlich was?"

  • Mathias Jenny to give a talk titled "Sprachkontakt in Myanmar - die Rolle peripherer Sprachen und Völker"

  • Balthasar Bickel to give a guest lecture in Mainz

  • New paper by Karnthida Kerdpol

    New paper by Karnthida Kerdpol, Volker Dellwo, and Mathias Jenny published in "Manusya Journal of Humanities": Phonetic sources of sound change: the influence of Thai on nasality in Pwo Karen.


  • Damián Blasi to give talk "What quantitative methods can do for the study of cross-linguistic patterns" at U Leipzig on 22 June 2016.

  • New paper by Bickel & Zúñiga in press on what a 'word' might be (or not!) in polysynthetic languages.

  • Per Baumann defended PhD thesis

  • Steven Moran and colleagues to present the paper, "The Open Linguistics Working Group: Developing the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud", at the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016)

  • Steven Moran, Robert Schikowski, Danica Pajović, Cazim Hysi and Sabine Stoll to present the paper "The ACQDIV Database: Min(d)ing the Ambient Language" at the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016)

  • Stephan Schmid gives lecture on Swiss-German Ethnolects at Université de Fribourg, 20.05.2016

  • New publication on Hittite by Paul Widmer and Florian Sommer

  • Marie-José Kolly presented a poster on intercoder reliability at r-atics 5

  • Mathias Jenny and Patrick McCormick to give talks on "Verb-initial word order in Austroasiatic" and "Mainland Southeast Asia as a linguistic area" at the 26th SEALS conference in Manila

  • Introduction to Old Prussian

  • Stephan Schmid invited participant in workshop on the Spanish-speaking community in Switzerland at the University of Lausanne

  • Sabine Stoll to give a talk on April 20 at the Institute of Neuroinformatics (UZH) on 'Universal principles in language acquisition: a new crosslinguistic approach’.

  • Stephan Schmid invited participant at workshop on „Dialect Acquisition and Migration“ in Oslo

  • Paul Widmer, Michiel de Vaan and Florian Sommer gave talks at the workshop "Historical and typological approaches to Baltic morphosyntax" in Vilnius.

  • Mathias Jenny to give a talk on "Word order in Austroasiatic - what about verb-initial?" at the Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, on April 14, 2016

  • Paul Widmer co-authors a talk by Erich Poppe: “Middle Welsh Verbal Nouns and their Constructions. Some Variables for Classification”

  • New paper on hierarchical agreement and co-argument sensitivity by Bickel and colleagues

  • Patrick McCormick to give three talks in Seattle, WA (USA)

  • Manuel Widmer to give a talk at the workshop "The development of argument-marking systems" in Nijmegen, March 31 – April 1

  • New publication co-authored by Paul Widmer and Jürg Fleischer (Marburg) on gender, agreement, and agreement morphology in Old and Modern Frisian

  • New D-A-CH grant on the Typology of Vowel and Consonant Quantity in Southern German varieties

  • Damián Blasi to give talk at Santa Fe Institute

  • Manuel Widmer to give a talk at the Symposium on evidentiality, egophoricity and engagement in Stockholm

  • Presentation at EVOLANG on animal syntax

  • Marie-José Kolly successfully defended her PhD thesis on „The influence of speaker origin and individuality on rhythmic features of non-native speech“

  • Mathias Jenny, Patrick McCormick, André Müller and Rachel Weymuth to give talks in panel "Rethinking the relationship between language and identity in Burma and beyond" (convenor: Patrick McCormick)

  • Michele Loporcaro and Stephan Schmid invited speakers at workshop on sound change in Salamanca

  • New publication by Mathias Jenny and San San Hnin Tun

  • Linguistics and Genetics Workshop in March

  • Commentary published in the Journal of Language Evolution by Steven Moran

  • New paper by Damián Blasi and colleagues in the Journal of Language Evolution

  • New article by Jekaterina Mazara & Sabine Stoll

  • Two new projects launched: Processing of Ergativity and Morphology in Time and Space

  • New department members: Sebastian Sauppe, Michèle Kolačková and Stefan Dedio

  • Successful habilitation by Mathias Jenny

  • New paper by Stephan Schmid on the borrowability of bound morphemes in language contact

  • New paper by Bickel and colleagues on hierarchical alignment

  • Stephan Schmid to give presentation on "VOT in L2 German“

  • Stephan Schmid to give presentation on „Differenzierungsprozesse im Sprachgebrauch von Jugendlichen in der Deutschschweiz“ at the Colloque VALS-ASLA 2016 in Geneva

  • Successful habilitation by Rik Van Gijn

  • New publication by Leemann, Kolly, Purves, Britain, and Glaser on using smartphone apps for crowdsourcing language change