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Department of Comparative Language Science

New paper by Samira Müller, Milad Abedi, Wolfgang Behr, and Patrick Wertmann on the lexical contact and transmission of beasts to eastern Eurasia

Following the Donkey’s Trail (Part I): a Linguistic and Archaeological Study on the Introduction of Domestic Donkeys to China in: The International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics (JEAL)

This article sets out to uncover the donkeys’ forgotten trail from West Asia across the Iranian plateau to China, using archaeological, art historical, philological, and linguistic evidence. Following Parpola and Janhunen’s (2011) contribution to our understanding of the Indian wild ass and Mitchell’s (2018) overview of the history of the domestic donkey in West Asia and the Mediterranean, it will attempt to shed light on the transmission of the beast of burden to Eastern Eurasia.

