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Department of Comparative Language Science


News list

  • Poster presentation by Caroline Andrews and colleagues at Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2024

  • Presentations at IASCL and CogSci 2024

  • New paper by Chundra Cathcart on the evolution of sound patterns in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  • Outreach: Was ist und wie entsteht ein Tinnitus? - Prof. Dr. Martin Meyer

  • New NCCR paper in iScience: The primate origin of the animate agent preference in language

  • UZH Doc.Mobility fellowship awarded to Milad Abedi

  • New paper by Samira Müller, Milad Abedi, Wolfgang Behr, and Patrick Wertmann on the lexical contact and transmission of beasts to eastern Eurasia

  • "Der Stammbaum der Sprachen": Balthasar Bickel at ETH Treffpunkt Science City

  • Presentation by Martin Meyer at the Psychiatrisches Kolloquium: «Jenseits von Broca und Wernicke. Neue Erkenntnisse zur funktionellen Neuroanatomie der Sprache»

  • New paper and database published by Borja Herce and Bogdan Pricop on the morphological complexity of Romanian verbs

  • New paper by Borja Herce and Marc Allassonnière-Tang on the distributional semantics of Spanish conjugations and stem alternation patterns

  • Webinar: Demenz und Intelligenz (06.03.2024)

  • Culture Conference 2024 hosted by DCLS

  • Joint Workshop on Cross-cultural Psycholinguistics between UZH and Tribhuvan University, Nepal

  • Workshop on minority languages and ethical aspects of language documentation at the Deccan College in Pune

  • New paper out: First cross-language study on speech intelligibility and acuity